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Hi all, I believe this couple of weeks / months ahead of us will be the most challenging time of our lives. I just needed to share this with all of you with a hope that we’ll be prepared to arm ourselves with God’s armor to face what’s ahead of us. 

I’ve been challenged by so many events in my life this lately. And I tot of sharing my personal testimony here as most of you don’t really know about me. 
Well, I’m the only Christian in my family. Not only that, my grandma owns a temple at Jalan bukit. She has been my pillar of support financially for my education ever since I started my Diploma up till today. Cuz my mum’s business isn’t doing really well since last yr. So yeah.. I believe everything happens for a reason. My dad isn’t working and stuff too so I’ve been striving really hard to make sure I don’t mess things up especially with my studies.

My grandma found out that I’ve been going to church (I’ve been keeping this from her years because I don’t want to cause havoc in my fam, been trying to keep everything as low profile as possible. When I first accepted Christ my dad and everyone at home were against me but somehow God softened up their hearts. Both my mum and dad have been keeping this from my grandma) But God somehow made it possible for grandmama to know about this..

What really surprised me over the years was 2 of my nephews (twin bro) under her care in the temple were sent to our church very tadika few yrs back. Somehow, she knws I’ve been attending kaog. Not sure how but somehow she knows about it.
She never questions me but each time I visit her she asks me to not go to church and I merely kept quiet. I needed to complete my studies badly and be freed from such misery really. But whatever it is, I’ll respect their(my fam) beliefs. I won’t comment instead I’ll keep praying for them and believe that good things are going to happen someday.

Recently, I’ve shifted to setapak and stayed there for close to 2 months due to my hectic schedule (Started my advance diploma, had running practices and club meetings in the evening till late at night) Well honestly, I made this decision to stay outside because I was tired.. both mentally& physically.. didn’t wanna face all the issues i’ve been battling with. I wanted to be away from home, wanted to avoid everything. I know it was a selfish decision I’ve made but after my running event was over…

I prayed a prayer to God.. i said u’ve made it possible for me to get 5th placing facing the giants during my running event so yeah.. ask for anything and I’ll do it. I was asked to shift back to my home. I didn’t prolong that. Everything went smoothly. I found replacement for the room i’ve been renting in just a day. I shifted everything back to my home in just 2 days. Everything was made possible. 

I’m tired of running away.. God wanted me to be with my family even if I can’t be of much help. 

My grandma threatened me few weeks back.. she said she has someone to observe me in our church (im not sure who). My common sense tells me that she’s just merely threatening me I’m sure nobody is there to watch over my every movement. I’m coming back to church for real. Not all up to cause any havoc or trouble at home.. Will just tell my dad that I’m going out with a friend of mine every saturday. 

Life is a struggle, life is challenging. My studies’ in a mess after my running events. Advance diploma is tough but I’m not giving up. I struggle with financial issues, with the persecutions back at home.. now my dad isn’t siding me any longer. He updates my grandma about me going to church about me wearing a cross necklace and stuff. I’ve been put into a very difficult situation.. At some point I doubted God I don’t understand his ways and why I’m being put into a situation like this..

Away from God, I realized it’s even worse.. He came into my life, gave me the joy, peace and strength I needed.. There’s no word to describe all these feelings. But I know I needed all these elements to face this life. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for Jesus.

Jesus never fails to pick me up. I’m not perfect and I do realize that I need a complete perfectionist to lead me and guide me through this journey of life. Just wanted to share this with all of you because I felt led to do this.. This coming days, weeks and months ahead of us will be the most challenging time of our lives.. 
I’m sensing that the big D is not happy and he’s trying to put us into difficult situations in order to make us doubt Jesus’ ability. I’ve been challenged, and I must admit that I fell into his very trap. Jesus however, died and rose victoriously. I am bold enough to tell u that I’ve fallen for his trap and I’ve walked out of it. 
Truly, it is in the midst of uncertainties, in the midst of darkness, that we’ll see God’s very light shinning down on us. He’ll lead us and direct us, walk us through this difficult walk. 

It’s okay to not be okay because God will make it all okay. Don’t believe the devil’s lies.. he is a poisonous, smart and deceitful one he knows how to set traps and lead us into it. He is capable of all this because he has lived long enough to know what we don’t know. Let’s continue to be prayerful, continue to read his word.. 
When we learn to know his ways, we will know his will for us in our lives. How do we know that? By reading the word of God. 

Truly, His ways far exceed our ways. 
I’m letting go of the wheel i’ve been trying so hard to steer and letting him lead. I can’t run this life on my own. None of us can, except for him. So are you letting it go or are you still trying hard to control your wheel of life?
Let’s arm ourselves with his armour and robe ourselves with his robe of righteousness. 

Never ever give up on God because he never gave up on mankind. He demonstrated his love when he sent Jesus, his one and only son to die for each and every one of us. 
I’m back for real. 

I call ‘running away from problems’ quit.. call it quit because nobody can ever run away from probbies. You either face them boldly with God or drown yourself with pain, disappointment and frustration. 
I’ve been drowned by those. I know how it feels like. Learn to let Go and let God lead!
Don’t stop believing in Jesus. He’s our only answer to everything. 

Still- Hillsong


Posted by on 24/11/2012 in Uncategorized


Back to normalty

Back to reality, one more assignment and 2 more tests to go. I am finally done with my running events. Like finally! The long awaited and dreaded moments of my life were finally over. To those who do not know I’ve participated in 2 events. 800m and 4x400m. 

I remember praying to God while I knelt beside my bed and said this “God, please help me to run and finish this race victoriously, I’ll do anything you ask me to do” 

That was a dangerous- dangerous prayer I’ve made. But I was determined that I’m not going to embarrass myself in my first race. SUKIPIT (Sukan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi) was my first race and yeap I raced against giants, so to speak. They were national and state runners with many years of training and experiences. 

And I basically have no experience at all. I was afraid, i was very nervous. Trusted him whole-heartedly though it wasn’t a 100%. Probably 90%. another 10% was on some other stuff. My leg was giving me problem and stuff so that 10% went to my leg. lol

Anyways, I was positive that I didn’t make it to finals but I made it anyway.

I remember hearing a voice in my head, “I made it possible for you”

I refused to believe that it was God who made it possible.

I ran with 2 state runners. As a matter of fact, I stand no chance against these 2 runners. There were another malay runner though, who took over me when I was 10meters away from the finishing line. I nearly tripped when I was on my way toward the finishing line and she took over me there and then. Oh wells. -___- 

It wasn’t a mere coincidence, I believe. That Malay runner was disqualified from the race. Not sure why and how. I got 3rd place for the overall event before the final race. Which was… shocking. -.-

I got 5th place facing the giants for final. Though I didn’t win any medal back for my college, it was an experience and an unexpected event of my life. God played a major& important role in making all that possible.

There are things I know I’m called to do.. I’m not sure what He has instilled for me. I’ll have to wait for that call.

I’m not prepared, I’m not ready.. Been facing a lot this lately. Not all up to explain.. to cut the long story short, I’m just thankful that I didn’t lose my sense of focus in God despite all the nonsensical and ridiculous situations I’m being thrown into. 

I’m a whole lot stronger than I am before. I’m not ready for battles just yet but I know he is preparing me for that long awaited battles. 😉

Hope all of u are doing well.

Stay positive!

Don’t give up and never give in to all the negative thoughts in your head!

~When life gives you lemons, squeeze them as hard as you can and savor the juices for lemonades. Oh, u can marinate your fish/chicken with those juices as well 😛 ~

Philippians 3:14-4:1

New International Version (NIV)

14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Following Paul’s Example

15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. 16 Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

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Posted by on 17/11/2012 in Uncategorized




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Posted by on 08/11/2012 in Uncategorized


Endurance develops strength of character


I’ve been missing in action for few days. Didn’t have any access to the internet a couple of days ago and yeah, I’ve been supremely busy with mid-term tests. My running competition will be this coming Wednesday and Saturday and I have another test coming up on this Tuesday. 

I’m pretty caught up with everything that’s around me but I know I can make it through it all because He lives in me. 

Read this somewhere and posted it on facebook yesterday: 

The world’s definition of peace is by getting high and forgetting the problem you’re facing. Truth is, it only numbs the pain temporarily. When the numbness wears off, you’re back to where you’re started. So, go to the King of the seas and of all creation. He calmed the sea once surely he can do it again. He was the one who calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. Surely, He is more than able to calm the waves and storms in our hearts.

I hope and pray that despite our busyness and uncertainties in life, we’ll never ever forget to thank Him for all that he has done and for all that He is doing in our lives. Always run to him, for He cares, and I without any doubt will say that He is more than able to calm the storms in our hearts. 

Romans 5:3-5 (NLT)

We can rejoice too when we run into problems and trials, FOR WE KNOW that they help us to develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character.

Trust me, it’s not easy to develop endurance. I myself have very weak physical endurance. I’ve been struggling during my running practices. I know myself that it takes weeks, months and years of intense-interval training to build a strong physical endurance. Likewise, to build your spiritual endurance, it takes a whole lot of effort. 

Nobody’s perfect, neither am I. I’m still learning, learning is a process. It takes time, it takes a whole lot of dedication. Start by doing small little things, start with baby and tiny littlest steps. No rushy. 😉

Have a blessed weekend beautiful people

I gotta buckle up and start studying for my test on Tuesday. 😉 

I’ll be back ;D

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Posted by on 04/11/2012 in Uncategorized


Loving people is toughhh work.

Love- Jaeson Ma Ft Bruno Mars

Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)

19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Each time you choose blessings over the stubbornness of your heart, you’re actually choosing to walk in love rather than to walk out of it.

I’ll be extremely blunt and honest here. 

* People who knew me since I was 13 will know that I was an extreme weirdo and quiet person.

* I’m the only child in my family so I grew up doing things, and I enjoyed doing things whilst talking to myself. 😛 oh well.

* I have had hard time trying to get along with people, even up till today because part of me is still that weird. lol. Narh, more like I ain’t a people person. It’s hard for me to connect with people without feeling awkward. Tough work. 

*I have only few friends I can seriously click&blend in with immediately after meeting up with them.

* I’m sensitive, I get annoyed and irritated easily when people tend to do things childishly/ when they tend to say something hurtful/ wrongful to me. I get maddd.. mad.

* I’m a person if I choose to care I go all in I go all out. But when I don’t. I can just shut myself from you, from everyone else in the world.

* I have tough time loving people and even hard time in keeping up with their different attitudes& characters.

– Everyone have their differences and sometimes it’s hard to accept them for who they are-

God revealed this part of me and yeah, I’ve been hiding all this away from everyone. I mean seriously. I know I’m not the only one who struggles with all these stuff. I bet many of us do. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve struggled with this and still am struggling. If u are, we are on the same boat! 😉 And no worries, I’m praying hard and I believe God is revealing and working through this area of my life. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8(NIV)

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

We are called to love like how Jesus chooses to love us. 

Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us

Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, evenwhen we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved—

1 John 4:9-11 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

I can never understand His love for us.Noone else can because he chose to die for us even when we were Still sinners. If God is capable of loving us sinners, if God is capable of loving our imperfections, if God is capable of forgiving us of our trespasses. If God is capable of letting go whatever evil thoughts and desires we had in the past. Why can’t we love others?

His love I can’t fathom. Truly, his love is unfathomable. That’s how big, how wide, and how deep his love is for us.

Loving people is toughhh work, you might have colleagues constantly trying to back stab you. Friends, siblings who are constantly trying to pick on you, or friends that you find so extremely hard to understand their thoughts and actions. You’re not the only one. Nobody is born to be perfect, neither am I. 

I’m learning to accept other people’s weaknesses and see the best part in them. We should learn to narrow down people’s weaknesses and focus more on their strengths/ the very good side of theirs.

Learning to forget& forgive is toughhh work, but if Jesus is capable of forgiving us even when we were still sinners even before we confess of our sins, even before we repent of our wrongful doings. I believe we can. 

Can’t we do the same? It’s toughh work. Trust me just take one step at a time. I’m learning and I’m still learning to love people. 

Try to be a listener, when someone complains, when your mum complains to you about things, just be a listener. If someone keeps trying or wanting to pick a fight/ annoy you. Chill, have a break have a kitkat. Call me insane but that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to smile at them no matter how bad of a treatment they might want to give me.

I ain’t a people person I admit that but I believe if I try to approach people sincerely they’ll somehow sense that. This world will be a much better place if we have more love for one another. It’s never too late to want to be a loving and kind being. Love is an action verb, you don’t just profess of your love by merely saying it, it takes action to prove your love to others. Word talks, action walks, so to speak. 

John 3:18 English Standard Version
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

😉 Cheers~

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Posted by on 28/10/2012 in Uncategorized


Walking through the impossibilities

Proverbs 3-5-6(NIV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight.

My faith was shaken few weeks back and the reason for that was because I doubted God’s ability. Well, I’m just going to be honest about what happened few weeks back. I’d actually applied for a scholarship that was offered at my college and my hopes were pretty high. I thought I was going to get selected and stuff because they sort of called me and called my mother up. I really thought they were serious about considering me as one of their scholars.

Anyhow, few days back, one of my best buddies told me he got called for the interview and yeah, I wasn’t selected for that interview. It literally broke my heart. I didn’t understand why all these crappy things have to happen to me. I’ve got a lot of things I’ve been struggling with this lately and yes I was feeling really down for quite some time. Everything doesn’t seem right.

In my mind however, these few words kept repeating… “If it is your will then it is your will” I’m not going to question your ways anymore. Obviously it didn’t work.. If people were to put themselves in my sandals, nobody in their right state of mind is going to feel good over things in a couple of days. I must admit that it took me quite some time to get back up.

I realized that I’m a whole lot stronger now than I am before this.

Proverbs 3:5-6 said

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.

I’ve learned to trust in Him in everything. I’m not going to question why things didn’t go my way. I wouldn’t be able to understand his ways because his ways are way beyond my ways. Maybe someday I’ll know why these things have to happen to me.

God revealed these 4 verses to me as I went through the book of Romans.(NLT)

Romans 4:3

Abraham Believed God and God counted him as righteous because of his Faith.

Romans 4: 9(b) The exact same sentence was mentioned here. Abraham Believed God and God counted him as righteous because of his Faith.

Romans 4:13 Cleary, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s law but on a right relationship with God that comes by Faith.

Romans 4:18 Even when there was No reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping– believing that he would become the father of many nations.

Romans 4:20

Abraham Never Wavered in believing  God’s promise. In fact his Faith grew stronger and this brought glory to God.

The word faith keeps appearing as I continued reading. I might not understand his ways now, I’m not going to lose my faith and hope that things are going to get better. Life is a struggle, life is a challenge, life is tough but I’m not doing this alone. Jeremiah 29:11 For I have plans for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not harm you, plans to give u hope and a future. Well, I have a hope and a future. I’ll stop questioning him, why this and why that. I’ll keep trusting and keep believing even at times like this.

Genesis 15:1 After ALL these things, the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying, do not be afraid Abram for I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward”

The Lord is my strong tower

Proverbs 18:10

The name of Lord Jehovah Jehovah is a strong tower; the righteous will run to it and be strengthened.

Sometimes we need to learn how to step out of our impossibilities and walk towards Jesus.

Matthew 14:28 Story on Peter walking on water towards Jesus.

Well, I gotta be as bold as Peter. He chose to walk out of the boat and walk on waters.. (walking through the impossibilities toward the One who is is able)

I will trust

I will hope

I will persevere

Philippians 3:12

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

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Posted by on 27/10/2012 in Uncategorized


God is my back, he is my front, he needs to take that lead.

Dr. Richard Teo’s testimony:


Romans 2:29 (c) A person with a changed heart seeks praises from God not from ppl. I’ve been indulged with self righteousness, arrogance, &pride for the past couple of weeks. Part of me told myself that I no longer need God in my life. I think I’m capable of handling everything, my way& accomplish success ‘my way’ instead of following his way. This testimony was shared by a non-christian friend of mine who challenged my beliefs months ago. this is not by mere coincidence. When I asked, he said this testimony was an eye opener to him& it brought him to his senses somehow (to not live life selfishly and to not be arrogant) Success, fame and power will fade away and it doesn’t give u permanent satisfaction. He has been living a selfish live didn’t visit his grandma for close to a year. So am I.


I’ve been trying to run my life my way and continued to be ignorant until y’day.I want and am trying to find ways to attain success, to earn my way out of this life misery, my way. I’ve been battling with a lot of issues this lately. Financial constraints, parents, studies, this and that.. am barely making it and barely managing everything myself. Was too focus with everything in my life. I neglected the most important part of it. A little part of me kept trying to knock senses into my head saying ”so what if u’ve attained success and everythhing in life?” what good will it do to u?” I ignored that inner voice. I ignored what’s capable of shaping and changing my life. Kept running back& turning away from God. Life is tough, it’s a struggle. Only God is capable of shaping n molding me into a tough being. I kept falling down after rising up.


I guess I need to back off the steering wheel. He needs to get back into my life not as my back up plan but as a plan that will break whatever obstacles&barries that come along my way. God is my back, he is my front, he needs to take that lead. I shud back off and he should get back in. This is my testimony based on a powerful testimony shared by Dr Richard. I hope it encourages all of u. It has helped me in many ways. It taught me that I can’t please men I can’t please myself, the only thing I’m capable of doing is following His ways, allow Him to lead my life and Please Him in every way. Remember we ain’t people and self pleaser We are called to please God. I hope this will encourage u people. 😉 Happy holiday and God bless!


Posted by on 27/10/2012 in Uncategorized


Dismantled and Polished.


*A little stain on my, hi-hat and ride. They all still sound amazing though.. =)


Seat still looks as good as new, everything else looks great after I’ve polished with HD-60. Only certain parts are a little rusty. Even after getting a new drum set, ur drum set will eventually rust a little after few yrs time. Depending on how often u polish them. 🙂


Single Pedal


Hi hat’s pedal








Ride’s sound off pad, hi-hat, and crash’s pad is slightly bigger cuz I bought all standard sizes. I still use it eventhough it’s a little lose. =) Everything can be managed, depending on ur creativity.



Like I said earlier, the crash’s sound off pad is a little torn. There’s a slight torn and a mini hole. Everything else is great as it is. =)

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Posted by on 29/11/2011 in Uncategorized


WTS PDP EX Series&HQ sound off










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Posted by on 27/11/2011 in Uncategorized


Life and What I think about it?

Well, I’ve been caught up with so many things lately. Life is pretty boring I would say but I’ve been up to something for 3 weeks. I will officially call myself a work out freak for real 😀

Working out makes me feel good about my entire self. I feel more positive and confident about my entire being. Physically yes, emotionally checked and yes when you’re into something good for yourself, you wouldn’t spend much time looking back into your ugly past and by that I also mean, looking back into your ugly self.

I’m sure everyone has their ugly sides and truth is, we all make mistakes in our lives. It could be one time mistake or it could be more than that, minor ones, major ones.

And guess what? I’ve discovered something different about myself few weeks ago, I’m not afraid to admit my mistakes, I have screwed up in the past, I’ve hurt people’s feelings be it intentionally or unintentionally. There are times where I feel extremely inhuman about myself. I guess that’s humanity, by feeling inhuman about yourself makes you more human because you know what you did was bad and yeah, mistakes are meant not to be repeated. 🙂

One thing I realise,

Friends, well sometimes your close friends, without them realizing they sometimes say things they don’t mean it, oh u can call me a sensitive being, well, i am one, depending on my mood on that day. I’ve lost my confidence, been indulged with the fear I’ve been creating deep inside myself because of whatever people say, I put it into my head. But God never failed to pull me out of it. It happened each time when I stand tall and strong, something just pull me back into the box of fear I’ve created myself. So much for telling yourself that you shouldn’t bother about what others say about you. haha. We are human yeah? Just admit it, whatever people say about you will seriously affect your entire self sometimes. From feeling so good about yourself, you can feel nothing at all in mere seconds.

We as humans, no matter how positive we are, we will sometimes fall. It’s not wrong to be emotional. One thing I’ve discovered about being emotional when you’re feeling so stressed out and lonely is, you tend to look back and dig back into your past, find those mistakes and imagine if you’ve never made those mistakes. I’m not joking about this, but by reminiscing about those events makes me feel better some times. At least I know what I’ve done and what are the things I shouldn’t do in the near future if I were to be faced with the same situation again.

Never ever regret your past, it is your past that defines who you are today. I’m proud to say that I have someone I can rely on, someone I can clung onto whenever I feel horrible about myself. He makes me feel whole and hopeful again each time I reflect on those ugly moments, each time I reflect on my glorious moments. I thank him for those moments be it good or bad because I know it all happened for a good reason. That one person I can rely on always and forever is Him, Jesus.

I couldn’t imagine my life without him seriously. I wouldn’t have this kind of perspective in life, I wouldn’t be able to even live a pleasing and human life in the eyes of people. You never know how bad of a person I was in the past. I repay violence with violence, I did lots of nasty stuff when I was younger. Been mistreated and been feeling so horrible about myself. If I didn’t surrender myself to Jesus, I wonder what I’ll be now. I wonder..           I guess it’s best not to wonder about it. Because I am what I am now. 🙂

Talking about college, I’m worried about everything but I’ll just take some time off for today. Will do the catching up part tomorrow. I’m looking forward to go over to somewhere to get a degree and if it is of God’s will, I will be there in 2 years time. See how things go. =)




More updates soon.

Not so soon though.


God bless.

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Posted by on 12/11/2011 in Uncategorized