Category Archives: Life

Your unfailing love, that’s all I need <3

Many of us, without us realising we put too much expectations on someone or some things we ought to achieve in the near future and we ended up getting ourselves all disappointed and discouraged for nothing.

I’ve realised many things throughout these few days. Life is really tough I would say. Different people with very different personalities, motives, characters and attitudes will come into our lives every now and then.

Some to make our lives worst off, some to make us feel better for the time being, others will just come and go similar to touch&go.

I guess I’ve been battling with the feeling of insecurities these days. Hence, I’m thinking a lot. It’s not wrong to be a thinker. It’s not, but over thinking can cause us a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Oh wells, I won’t allow this to affect me. I’m going to let this go and try to be a complete grown up when it comes to this area. I’m no longer a teen, I’m a young adult. I need and I must know that things ought to change in the future. There’s no point holding onto something for too long, it won’t be yours now and forever. There’s no forever in this world.

The only thing that’ll never leave you always and forever is Jesus. πŸ™‚ Truly, he’s the one and only person in the world. Thank you for the complete assurance Jesus. πŸ™‚ you’re the way, the truth and the life.

Thank you for always assuring and reminding me that I am never alone. When I am, when the world leaves me to rot alone, you’re always there with arms open wide. πŸ™‚

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Posted by on 04/02/2012 in Life


Thank you bestie

Ee Ling Yeah is truly an amazing friend. Thank you for hearing all my nonsense crap and thank you so much for the belated birthday celebration.

A true friend is indeed needed when you’re going through a really bad time of your life.

She’s that kind of friend where you can be completely comfortable with just being random and crappy. I guess it’s our norm. πŸ˜€ you know that kind of friend where even after weeks and months of not seeing each other we can still laugh and be extremely crazy and lame.

Awkwardness doesn’t seem to bother us. πŸ™‚

I realized that people can’t live without companions and friends. Prove me wrong. πŸ˜›

I’m sorry if I’ve been emotional these days. Trust me, most of the only child faces the same problem. Sad to say but yes, we have got noone to turn to most of the time. There will even be times where we are sick of trying to turn to someone.

Family is the best source to turn to I guess. I wish to have one elder sister&brother. Neways, I shall stop imagining the impossible. I guess God has a valid reason for me being the only child in my family.


Dear friend,

Thank you again for the time last night.

It was much needed&much appreciated.


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Posted by on 13/10/2011 in Life


What goes around, comes around

Hello readers,

What goes around, comes back around a.k.a karma is a very interesting subject and a little sensitive topic I’ll be touching on today. But well, something happened yesterday and it opened up my eyes to reflect on things from the past. I’m not going to preach but I’ll be touching on few verses from the bible. It’s worth the read if you wanna know what happened to me yesterday. Yesterday was a break through and I thank God for it πŸ™‚ It was such an eye-opener, whatever happened yesterday.. was an eye-opener to me.

Do you believe in karma? Honestly, I do.. as I believe what goes around, comes back around.

The bible touched a lot on this matter and I’ll list down a few from Luke Chapter 6

Love your Enemies

27 β€œBut to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. 28 Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also. 30 Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, don’t try to get them back. 31 Do to others as you would like them to do to you.

Do Not Judge Others
37β€œDo not judge others, and you will not
be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you.Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

The bible touched a lot on this matter. And truth be told, in the past, I did hurt people and obviously i didn’t do it intentionally. I’m not happy about it and it kills me just to reflect on it. Who doesn’t right? Feeling all so guilty and bad, it’s a normal thing I guess. 😦

I know someday, it will get back to me, you know, whatever I’ve done to people in the past, it will eventually come back to me. And yeah, it did come back to me yesterday. I realised that I did the exact same thing that one person did to me yesterday to someone in the past. I won’t take credit for whatever I’ve done, instead I feel sorry for that person. I truly am.. The only thing I can do is to hope that God will forgive me and that one person will forgive me as well.

Most importantly, you need to forgive yourself and stop feeling bad and guilty about it. I’m not asking you to feel superbly ‘cool’ about the whole thing, obviously you’ll be feeling extremely guilty and etc but don’t blame yourself for everything& carry that very burden while you continue to live with that very burden for the rest of your life. Learn to let it go and ask that one person for forgiveness whenever you’re ready to do so. It helps not only you, but it helps others to see something different in you. Trust me, it helps to ease whatsoever burden you’ve been carrying for days, weeks, months and sometimes it could last up till years.

Nobody is perfect by the way. πŸ˜‰ it happens and don’t blame yourself and other people for it.

Guess what’s the silly part? πŸ˜› Well, I’m being very thankful for it, I know it’s absurd and silly to be thankful for such things but I truly am because it taught me an important lesson.

Life is all about falling into imperfections and learning how to transform those imperfections into something beautiful. It teaches you how to be kind, sincere, and forgiving toward others. It’s hard I know and sometimes, when you’re being put into certain situations in life.. it’s almost impossible to not be ‘the bad person’Β if you know what I mean πŸ˜‰ I guess it does make sense to you, doesn’t it? πŸ™‚ Sometimes you ought to be bad and might even pretend that you’re actually a nice person on the outside when deep down, you know that you’ve done something you should be feeling extremely guilty about.

As a matter of fact, we as humans we tend to be angry at certain people and things for some reasons and worse, there are times we tend to vent our rage and disappointments for no apparent reason, like seriously. It happened to me countless times and I bet it happens to you too.

Sad to say this, it happens. Yeah it does.. shit happens. πŸ˜‰ I guess the best solution to this is to simply learn how to suck everything in and turn to God instead of fuming your rage and anger on others.

People hurt you and you tend to hurt others in return.. Life is like a cycle, whatever you’ve circulated, it will come around you sooner or later.These kind of things happen and yeah, it takes time to learn how to grow out of the pain others have inflicted on you. Same applies to others, they will have to take time to grow out of it. Try not to inflict pain onto others because if you do, it doesn’t go away just like that.. scars will be left behind and it wouldn’t be pretty.

Let’s learn how to be nice people. I know we are living in a cruel world and there are plenty of cruel and mean people out there. Truth is, people might be mean towards you but we shouldn’t pay them back with what they’ve done to us.. we have the tendency to be mean to those who are mean to us.. I know how it feels like but what good does it do to you? Seriously? The both of you will end up in an endless fight/ war.

Why do you choose the ugly path when all you can do is to simply be kind and nice to them and be hopeful that someday, they might be able to see the pretty sight of the ugly and dark dark world. Jesus taught me this and I’m still learning to be nice to people who are annoying and unkind toward me. You can choose to forgive and forget those who’d mistreated you. I know it’s not easy, it takes time.. and yeah, it doesn’t take a day or two, sometimes it might even take years for someone to have a Christ-like-attitude.

We are born to be sinners without us realising. We as babies, we started sinning when we were born into this world. You might ask ‘how so?’ Babies are such innocent creatures.. Let me enlighten you a little. You can try to imagine how much pain your mum had been through after she’d delivered you.. yet we as babies, we cried in the middle of the night just to wake our mummies up for milk, and yeah there’s more, we naturally learnt how to lie and blame others for things we’ve done even if we weren’t taught to do so. We are born to be sinners.. that’s a fact.

Well, Jesus died for us.. us.. as in sinners and he did what he could to save mankind from this cruel world. I guess, this should give us all the more reason to be kind to others. We might fail but at least we’ve tried.. I believe the more we try, the easier it gets to be a kind, sincere, nice, a non-judgmental and forgiving person. πŸ™‚

My prayers go all out to all of you… whether you believe in Jesus or not i sincerely pray for you to be that kind of person I’ve just talked about. πŸ™‚

John 3:13

“God sent his Son into the world. God did not send his Son to judge the world guilty. God sent his Son so that the world could be saved through his Son.

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Posted by on 06/10/2011 in Life