Back to normalty

17 Nov

Back to reality, one more assignment and 2 more tests to go. I am finally done with my running events. Like finally! The long awaited and dreaded moments of my life were finally over. To those who do not know I’ve participated in 2 events. 800m and 4x400m. 

I remember praying to God while I knelt beside my bed and said this “God, please help me to run and finish this race victoriously, I’ll do anything you ask me to do” 

That was a dangerous- dangerous prayer I’ve made. But I was determined that I’m not going to embarrass myself in my first race. SUKIPIT (Sukan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi) was my first race and yeap I raced against giants, so to speak. They were national and state runners with many years of training and experiences. 

And I basically have no experience at all. I was afraid, i was very nervous. Trusted him whole-heartedly though it wasn’t a 100%. Probably 90%. another 10% was on some other stuff. My leg was giving me problem and stuff so that 10% went to my leg. lol

Anyways, I was positive that I didn’t make it to finals but I made it anyway.

I remember hearing a voice in my head, “I made it possible for you”

I refused to believe that it was God who made it possible.

I ran with 2 state runners. As a matter of fact, I stand no chance against these 2 runners. There were another malay runner though, who took over me when I was 10meters away from the finishing line. I nearly tripped when I was on my way toward the finishing line and she took over me there and then. Oh wells. -___- 

It wasn’t a mere coincidence, I believe. That Malay runner was disqualified from the race. Not sure why and how. I got 3rd place for the overall event before the final race. Which was… shocking. -.-

I got 5th place facing the giants for final. Though I didn’t win any medal back for my college, it was an experience and an unexpected event of my life. God played a major& important role in making all that possible.

There are things I know I’m called to do.. I’m not sure what He has instilled for me. I’ll have to wait for that call.

I’m not prepared, I’m not ready.. Been facing a lot this lately. Not all up to explain.. to cut the long story short, I’m just thankful that I didn’t lose my sense of focus in God despite all the nonsensical and ridiculous situations I’m being thrown into. 

I’m a whole lot stronger than I am before. I’m not ready for battles just yet but I know he is preparing me for that long awaited battles. 😉

Hope all of u are doing well.

Stay positive!

Don’t give up and never give in to all the negative thoughts in your head!

~When life gives you lemons, squeeze them as hard as you can and savor the juices for lemonades. Oh, u can marinate your fish/chicken with those juices as well 😛 ~

Philippians 3:14-4:1

New International Version (NIV)

14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Following Paul’s Example

15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. 16 Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

1 Comment

Posted by on 17/11/2012 in Uncategorized


One response to “Back to normalty

  1. isaacboo

    18/11/2012 at 12:52 am

    should be the person had run into your lane de.
    thts y kena disqualified..
    wah.. din know bcoz ppl disqualified then u got into finals.. definitely God’s plan.. ^^


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