God is my back, he is my front, he needs to take that lead.

27 Oct

Dr. Richard Teo’s testimony:


Romans 2:29 (c) A person with a changed heart seeks praises from God not from ppl. I’ve been indulged with self righteousness, arrogance, &pride for the past couple of weeks. Part of me told myself that I no longer need God in my life. I think I’m capable of handling everything, my way& accomplish success ‘my way’ instead of following his way. This testimony was shared by a non-christian friend of mine who challenged my beliefs months ago. this is not by mere coincidence. When I asked, he said this testimony was an eye opener to him& it brought him to his senses somehow (to not live life selfishly and to not be arrogant) Success, fame and power will fade away and it doesn’t give u permanent satisfaction. He has been living a selfish live didn’t visit his grandma for close to a year. So am I.


I’ve been trying to run my life my way and continued to be ignorant until y’day.I want and am trying to find ways to attain success, to earn my way out of this life misery, my way. I’ve been battling with a lot of issues this lately. Financial constraints, parents, studies, this and that.. am barely making it and barely managing everything myself. Was too focus with everything in my life. I neglected the most important part of it. A little part of me kept trying to knock senses into my head saying ”so what if u’ve attained success and everythhing in life?” what good will it do to u?” I ignored that inner voice. I ignored what’s capable of shaping and changing my life. Kept running back& turning away from God. Life is tough, it’s a struggle. Only God is capable of shaping n molding me into a tough being. I kept falling down after rising up.


I guess I need to back off the steering wheel. He needs to get back into my life not as my back up plan but as a plan that will break whatever obstacles&barries that come along my way. God is my back, he is my front, he needs to take that lead. I shud back off and he should get back in. This is my testimony based on a powerful testimony shared by Dr Richard. I hope it encourages all of u. It has helped me in many ways. It taught me that I can’t please men I can’t please myself, the only thing I’m capable of doing is following His ways, allow Him to lead my life and Please Him in every way. Remember we ain’t people and self pleaser We are called to please God. I hope this will encourage u people. 😉 Happy holiday and God bless!


Posted by on 27/10/2012 in Uncategorized


2 responses to “God is my back, he is my front, he needs to take that lead.

  1. isaac Boo

    27/10/2012 at 3:26 am

    hi there..^^
    cf this cming tuesday 6.30pm at m301
    hope to c u there..

    • Mei Ling

      27/10/2012 at 3:36 am

      heys, i’ll text u my availability for that! i’ve got running competition coming up. so yeah


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