Gotta Keep Moving Forward

14 Oct

Had an awesome time with Say Yie and Ee Ling today. Spent most of the time talking to Say Yie about some crazy stuff. Met up with Ee Ling and her hubs for movie, watched Real Steel, ya’all gotta TRUST ME, it is a must to watch 😉 Well, that movie totally wow-ed me. Like seriously. ;O

And yes, thank you Say Yie Babe for the awesome time and do remember what we’ve talked about in the car.

We mustn’t get too carried away with our thoughts. Get it? 😉

It’s okay to be afraid to face the fact that sometimes, we do get disappointed and hurt for no valid reasons. It’s okay 😉 

We just need to know what’s best for us. If it’s meant for us, it will be.

If not, there’s no point chasing after a lost shadow.


Let us have fun for now. 😉

Yeap we’ll be friends

*sings until the die I die!*



Posted by on 14/10/2011 in Uncategorized


2 responses to “Gotta Keep Moving Forward

  1. Say Yie

    14/10/2011 at 6:31 pm

    hell yeaaa! and i freaking love this! —> “We just got to know what’s best for us. If it’s meant for us, it will be. If not, there’s no point chasing after a lost shadow.”

    • Mei Ling

      16/10/2011 at 10:40 am

      =) We shouldn’t let these people affect us that much ok? It’s not worth our time and energy to even think about it 😉


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