
01 Oct


College has been good to me for these 2 weeks. I have been getting up really early for 8am classes and I’ve gotten used to it now. Sleeping early and getting up early, sooner or later I need to get use to it once I start working in future. I believe it’s better to cultivate such a habit now.

Well, sleeping early was never a ‘must’ before this but my body got kind of used to it after one week. 🙂

To readers who are not sure about what I’m currently doing now. I’m pursuing Diploma in Business Administration. This year is my second year. Will be graduating as a Diploma Holder, next year around this time. I’ll further to Advance Diploma as a student in ICSA Course. If you do not know what it stands for, it’s a professional secretary course. Let’s hope that I’ll be getting a good good job in future. 😉

I’m keeping my fingers crossed as this course is going to be tough. Plus my college’s level for advance diploma students is extremely high. Hence, the toughness. Their requirements and expectations are pretty high. Bet that’s the main reason why Tarc’s graduates are highly demanded by people outside. Been hearing this from my lecturers and tutors. Let’s hope that it’s true. 🙂

As of this semester,
I’ve got 5 subjects for this semester and they are all really tough. 😦
Company law: the word law describes how awesome this subject is. 😛
Business Ethics: This subject is okay. 🙂
Business Accounting: well accounts is tough because I wasn’t an accounting student in the past. Got to work extra hard for this.
Japanese LvL 2: I’m not Chinese educated so it’s tougher for me than it is for other people.
And lastly Business economics: Got to brush up whatever I have learned during my 1st&2nd semesters. 🙂

I’ll put my complete trust in God and yes, no more procrastination. Got to do revision every once a week. I even made it a must to complete my tutorials every week before each class.

Everything is getting harder, no doubt. I guess nothing comes handy in life. Everyone is struggling with theirs too.

I shall not bore you anymore so let’s move on to the main reason why I’ve been putting make ups&etc.


I’ll stop drawing those curvy edges. Need lots of practice still. : /

Well, my classmates realized that I have been wearing ‘girlie‘ clothes these days and yes, I’ll put make ups on during weekends. Lol. 😛

Dressing up and looking good boost up my confidence as a girl. I’m serious about this. Putting makeups on was such a hassle to me in the past. Honestly speaking, I hated make-ups but now I’m looking forward to applying it on my face because it made me feel better. Now I know why girls want to look pretty&etc. 😉

Once you know how to use eyeliner and all the nonsense, u would want to explore even more. I guess I’m improving a little here& there. 😛

Like what I’ve written on my first post, once I have the time&money I’ll invest on these things to transform myself into a lady-like person. If you’ve noticed I’m trying to now. 🙂 little by little, I’m trying to be more lady-like.


Welcome to my collection 


KissMe’s Compact Powder & Majolica’s Blusher

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Posted by on 01/10/2011 in College, Make Ups


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